Patreon 其實早喺2013年已經喺美國出現,以一個每月收費訂閱嘅形式,粉絲真金白銀去支持喜歡嘅內容創作者,令佢地可以維持生計嘅同時全心全意為大家提供更高汁嘅內容。一般Youtuber都會推出一啲只限Patreon會員或者優先觀看版本比佢地先睹為快,部份頻道亦有會員專屬嘅社交群組去比觀眾討論﹑建議創作者製作不同感興趣話題。
當免費內容太粗製濫造,逼使香港人開始習慣付費睇影片/文章去接收一啲較可信以及質素更高嘅內容。加上大家開始追求「Fact Check」,追求資料嘅真確,大家都樂意付費,希望呢個習慣可以令文化產業再得到重視。
Solutions for Every Industry
Fruitful Yield Co. Ltd.
Services Provided:
1.Facebook Management
2.Online ad ( Youtube video ad)
3.TVC (e.g. Viu TV, MTR ad)
P&G provides different kinds of personal health/consumer health, and personal care and hygiene products which help consumers to keep their living rooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and bathrooms in good hygiene.
Service Provide:
1. Quantitative & Qualitative Research
(on investigating the stressfulness level of the mothers in Hong Kong)
2. Press conference
(result reveal)See Portfolio
Sun Hung Kai Properties
Sun Hung Kai Properties focuses on developing lots of property projects to provide satisfied shopping experience to the public. We have the chances to help it to handle different projects.
Le French May is one of the projects that organize in Metro Plaza.
Service Provided:
1. Event Management
2. Event Content Design
3. Event Decoration
Pak Fah Yeow International Limited
Pak Fah Yeow International Limited offers high quality medical products and services over 90 years. Its brand in Hong Kong is well-known in society. It always sticks to its primary mission "To be the premier provider of top quality medicated products that are superior to other choices in the markets for all walks of life.".
Service Provided:
1. Promotional Materials Design and Production