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Solutions for Every Industry
Fruitful Yield Co. Ltd.
Services Provided:
1.Facebook Management
2.Online ad ( Youtube video ad)
3.TVC (e.g. Viu TV, MTR ad)
P&G provides different kinds of personal health/consumer health, and personal care and hygiene products which help consumers to keep their living rooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and bathrooms in good hygiene.
Service Provide:
1. Quantitative & Qualitative Research
(on investigating the stressfulness level of the mothers in Hong Kong)
2. Press conference
(result reveal)See Portfolio
Sun Hung Kai Properties
Sun Hung Kai Properties focuses on developing lots of property projects to provide satisfied shopping experience to the public. We have the chances to help it to handle different projects.
Le French May is one of the projects that organize in Metro Plaza.
Service Provided:
1. Event Management
2. Event Content Design
3. Event Decoration
Pak Fah Yeow International Limited
Pak Fah Yeow International Limited offers high quality medical products and services over 90 years. Its brand in Hong Kong is well-known in society. It always sticks to its primary mission "To be the premier provider of top quality medicated products that are superior to other choices in the markets for all walks of life.".
Service Provided:
1. Promotional Materials Design and Production